River & Sea Spectacle
Introducing the River & Sea Spectacle!
Prepare to embark on a mesmerizing journey into the depths of aquatic wonder. Our spectacular event showcases two magnificent underwater worlds: “Ocean World,” a captivating realm of vibrant saltwater fish, and “Wonders of the River,” a breathtaking showcase of the diverse and enchanting freshwater fish.
Immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of these underwater ecosystems as you witness a stunning display of aquatic life. From the graceful movements of exotic sea creatures in Ocean World to the vibrant colors and fascinating behavior of freshwater fish in Wonders of the River, this spectacle promises an unforgettable experience for all.
Ocean World
Wonders of the River
Ocean World Photo Gallery
River World Photo Gallery
Our Resident Animals

Amazone White Blotched River Stingray



Asian Arowana

Bala Shark

Chaka Catfish


Giant Mudskipper

Giant Snakehead

Glass Catfish

Honeycomb Whiptail

Mekong Giant Barb

Monoculus Peacockbass

Spotted Eagle Ray

Tawny Nurse Shark