Reptile House

Step into the fascinating world of reptiles as you enter our Reptile House. A haven for these extraordinary creatures, our facility showcases a diverse collection of reptiles from around the globe. From slithering snakes to scaly lizards, prepare to be captivated by the beauty, diversity, and unique adaptations of these remarkable reptilian residents.

Our Resident Animals

Asian Common Toad

Asian Common Toad

Asian Forest Scorpion

Asian Forest Scorpion

Asian Water Dragon

Asian Water Dragon

Asian Water Monitor

Asian Water Monitor

Burmese Python

Burmese Python

Earth Tiger Tarantula

Earth Tiger Tarantula

Green Cat Snake

Green Cat Snake

Green Tree Viper

Green Tree Viper

Keeled Slug Snake

Keeled Slug Snake

King Cobra

King Cobra

Mangrove Snake

Mangrove Snake

Monocled Cobra

Monocled cobra

Ornate Tree Snake

Ornate Tree Snake

Painted Bronzeback Tree Snake

Painted Bronzeback Tree Snake

Painted Bullfrog

Painted Bullfrog

Pig-Nosed Turtle

Pig-nosed Turtle

Siamese Crocodile

Siamese Crocodile

Vine Snake

Vine Snake



Asian Common Toad

This species is common across Cambodia and can be seen often after rains and nightfall where they eat a variety of insects such as ants, termites and cockroaches. This species is poisonous which means many animals will not attempt to eat it.

Diet: Invertebrates and small reptiles.

Venom: Poisonous (Toxic if eaten)

Asian Forest Scorpion

The Asian Forest Scorpion is the largest species in Cambodia. These scorpions can grow up to 12cm long. It has large powerful pincers which it uses to subdue its prey. Their diet consists of small invertebrates and even small lizards and snakes. Their venom is for defence only and is not dangerous. The sting is similar to a bee sting.

Diet: Insects, small reptiles.

Venom: Weak venom, harmless to humans.

Asian Water Dragon

This forest living lizard is a medium sized lizard. They live in the treetops where they hunt insects and small reptiles.

The males are extremely territorial and they will fight off any rival males.

Diet: Invertebrates, small reptiles

Venom: Nonvenomous.

Asian Water Monitor

Least Concern
Least Concern

The Asian Water Monitor Lizard is a large sized species of Monitor Lizard growing over 2 metres in length. They live primarily in forests where they can be spotted foraging on the forest floor whilst looking for food. As their name suggests they are often found around water and can swim extremely well. They eat anything they can overpower, in particular mammals, birds and other reptiles. They will also raid various nests and eat the young or eggs.

They suffer from harvesting for food and can often be seen in markets for sale across Cambodia. This species is protected in Cambodia and it is illegal to catch, kill or sell this species.

Diet: Invertebrates, small reptiles, mammals, and birds. Eggs.

Venom: Nonvenomous

Burmese Python

The Burmese Python is one of the largest snakes in Cambodia reaching lengths of 7 metres and weighing up to 75kg! They are constrictors which means they kill their prey by wrapping around it and squeezing. All Pythons kill with this method, so they do not have any venom. Their diet consists of small mammals and birds, when larger they can even eat small deer, wild pigs and crocodiles. They are found across a lot of habitats and even live closely alongside people, probably attracted by readily available food such as rats, cats and dogs. They have 6 rows of teeth which are backward facing to make sure once it is holding onto its prey there is no way the prey can get away. This species is often killed for food or for their skins.

The skin is commonly used in making traditional music drums. Please remember to not buy any items that may contain wildlife parts.

Diet: Mammals, birds and reptiles.

Venom: Nonvenomous

Earth Tiger Tarantula

The Vinergaroon gets its name from the vinegar-like substance it squirts in defence at the face of any attacker. They live amongst the leaf litter of the forest where they hunt at night for smaller insects to eat. Although they may look scary this species does not have any venom and is harmless to humans.

Diet: Invertebrates

Venom: nonvenomous

Green Cat Snake

This is another nocturnal member of the Cat Snake genus. They get their name from the vertical pupils, similar to cat’s eyes which allow them to see well in the dark.

This species is more widespread than the Mangrove Cat snake and is often found in forests across Cambodia.

Diet: Lizards, birds, rodents and amphibians.

Venom: Weak venom, harmless to humans.

Green Tree Viper

Living in trees and low bushes, this viper is very common across Cambodia. It typically eats small lizards, frogs and small birds. It catches them by hiding amongst the leaves and ambushing them as they pass by. This snake is responsible for a lot of venomous snakebites in Cambodia because it lives alongside people and is often not seen so it is stepped on or squashed by hands easily and therefore it defends itself with biting.

Its venom is not dangerous to healthy adults but will produce pain and swelling. If bitten by this species the person should go immediately to hospital for treatment and monitoring.

Diet: Small lizards, frogs and small birds.

Venom: Venomous

Keeled Slug Snake

This species is only active after dark. It lives in dense forests where it has adapted to eating slugs and snails. It is typically slow moving as it does not need to move fast to catch its food. It has specially adapted teeth on its lower jaw to help remove snails from their shells before eating them.

This is a harmless species with no venom.

Diet: Snails and slugs

Venom: Nonvenomous

King Cobra

This is the largest venomous snake in the world, reaching 5.4 metres long! It is named the King Cobra because it eats almost exclusively other snakes including other cobras. It will occasionally eat monitor lizards also. It will defend itself by standing tall and displaying its large, long hood. Bites from this species are very rare as it stays away from people. Most bites are from people who try to catch and kill this species. The venom is very strong and works to stop the breathing quickly after a bite. If bitten by this species the person must go to hospital immediately for treatment as the venom can kill. This species lives in dense forest and is the only species of snake that builds a nest to lay its eggs.

Eating many venomous snake species, this species helps to control the amount of other venomous snakes which are responsible for many deaths.

Diet: Snakes

Venom: Venomous, strong neurotoxic venom.

Mangrove Snake

The Mangrove snake is found in the south of Cambodia along the coastal mangroves. This large attractive snake hunts at night where it catches its prey. They eat reptiles, mammals, birds and amphibians. They have a weak venom which it uses to overpower their food.

They have an impressive defence response where they will strike out with their mouths wide open to scare attackers away.

Diet: Rodents, birds, reptiles and Amphibians.

Venom: Weak venom, harmless to humans.

Monocled cobra

The monocled cobra is one of the most iconic snake species in Asia. When it feels threatened it will do the classic pose, standing as tall as possible and spreading its famous hood. It appears across most of Cambodia where it lives by catching small rodents, lizards, amphibians and birds. This species has a powerful venom that can be fatal. Antivenom is available for this species and is the only way to reduce symptoms after a bite. Bitten patients should go as quickly as possible to hospital.

This is one of nature’s best pest control, eradicating rodent infestations wherever it occurs.

Diet: Rodents, lizards, amphibians and birds.

Venom: Venomous

Ornate Tree Snake

This species of snake is very common in Cambodia, it is a small species at only 1 metre long. It is often found in trees where it hunts geckos, in particular the large Tokay Gecko. It can also be found close to people’s homes as geckos are attracted to life around humans, such as outside lights which attract insects. The Ornate Tree Snake has learned that they can find food easily around humans. They are a fast and very shy species which will flee at any disturbance.

Often considered dangerous they are killed frequently by people across Cambodia. This species is harmless to people and provides a vital role in keeping gecko numbers under control.

Diet:  Small lizards and amphibians.

Venom:  Weak venom, harmless to humans.

Painted Bronzeback Tree Snake

This species lives amongst the low-lying branches and bushes where it hunts out its prey during the daytime. They can grow to a length of 125cm and stay extremely thin bodied. Often living alongside water bodies, it can often be seen catching and eating frogs. This species has a beautiful threat display where it inflates its throat displaying bright blue markings as a warning.

This is a non-venomous species and poses no threat to humans.

Diet: Small lizards and frogs

Venom: Nonvenomous

Painted Bullfrog

This small funny looking frog is very colourful and makes its home in leaf litter and often in and around homes and restaurants. It is attracted to the insects which gather around lighting. They are harmless and do a great job at keeping insect numbers down.

Diet: Invertebrates

Venom: Nonvenomous.

Pig-nosed Turtle

This is a highly aquatic species of turtle. If you look to see their “hands” and “feet” have evolved into flippers like the true sea turtles. These animals rarely ever come to land. They have a snorkel shaped nose which they can push slightly out of the water to breath. Their eggs only hatch when the floods come, therefore the babies emerge from their eggs underwater, fully able to swim. Unfortunately this species is collected unsustainably for the pet trade as they look so cute.

They are collected in huge numbers in Indonesia where they live naturally. They are in danger of becoming extinct.

Diet: Fruits, vegetables and some small animals and fish.

Venom: Nonvenomous.

Siamese Crocodile

Siamese crocodiles are a medium sized species of Crocodile. The typical maximum length for a large male is 3.5m.  Siamese crocodiles are classed as Critically Endangered with the largest remaining population living in the Cardamom mountains, Cambodia where there are an estimated 150 animals living.  There are thought to be no more than 500 animals left in the wild. The Siamese Crocodile was thought to be extinct for many years until the population in the Cardamom mountains was rediscovered. There are small populations in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Indonesia with the largest being in Cambodia. This species eats small animals such as fish, snakes and birds. Therefore, it is not considered a threat to people.

Diet: Small mammals, birds, reptiles and fish.

Venom: Nonvenomous.

Vine Snake

This snake spends its day hunting small lizards such as geckos. It camouflages as a natural plant vine to sneak up on its prey before catching it. Unlike most snakes this species has very good vision thanks to its horizontal key-hole shaped pupil which gives it binocular vision so it can chase down fast-moving prey with precision.

This snake can come in many colours from green, grey and even yellow.

Diet: Small lizards

Venom: Weak venom, harmless to humans.


The Vinergaroon gets its name from the vinegar-like substance it squirts in defence at the face of any attacker. They live amongst the leaf litter of the forest where they hunt at night for smaller insects to eat. Although they may look scary this species does not have any venom and is harmless to humans.

Diet: Invertebrates

Venom: nonvenomous

Free Bus Service

Exciting News!

Angkor Wildlife & Aquarium is delighted to inform you that you can enjoy our free shuttle from February 08th, 2024.

  • Two Rounds a day
  • Everyday

Here below are the schedules:

– Morning Departure from:

  • Ibis Styles Siem Reap at 08:15 AM
  • The Heritage Walk at 08:25 AM
  • Angkor Enterprise at 08:40 AM

– Afternoon Departure from:

  • Ibis Styles Siem Reap at 12:35 PM
  • The Heritage Walk at 12:45 PM
  • Angkor Enterprise at 13:00 PM

Note: Advance booking is required

Explore the wonders of nature and wildlife at Angkor Wildlife & Aquarium.

Reptile House