We hatched 5 juvenile Golden Tree Snakes which we then wished good luck and released into the wild!

After the opening of our Reptile House, we received eggs from our adult Golden Tree Snakes. The eggs were taken to be incubated until they hatch. We hatched 5 juvenile Golden Tree Snakes which we then wished good luck and released into the wild!
This species is harmless, feeding mainly on Geckos and Frogs.

Free Bus Service

Exciting News!

Angkor Wildlife & Aquarium is delighted to inform you that you can enjoy our free shuttle from February 08th, 2024.

  • Two Rounds a day
  • Everyday

Here below are the schedules:

– Morning Departure from:

  • Ibis Styles Siem Reap at 08:15 AM
  • The Heritage Walk at 08:25 AM
  • Angkor Enterprise at 08:40 AM

– Afternoon Departure from:

  • Ibis Styles Siem Reap at 12:35 PM
  • The Heritage Walk at 12:45 PM
  • Angkor Enterprise at 13:00 PM

Note: Advance booking is required

Explore the wonders of nature and wildlife at Angkor Wildlife & Aquarium.


After the opening of our Reptile House, we received eggs from our adult Golden Tree Snakes. The eggs were taken to be incubated until they hatch. We hatched 5 juvenile Golden Tree Snakes which we then wished good luck and released into the wild!
This species is harmless, feeding mainly on Geckos and Frogs.